Despite the below-freezing temperature and gusty winds, over 500 runners gathered to participate in the "Cupids Chase" 5K race in Philadelphia on Saturday. ProRanger Charles Popacostas finished 4th overall and won his extremely competitive age division, taking home a Gold Medal.
ProRangers Giancarlo Graziani, Erin Langeheine, Ben Amoah, Lita Farquhar, and Amber Hagan all finished the race with improved times.
This dedicated group continues to improve and impress. Look for our best to turn out for the Valley Forge Revolutionary 5-Mile run on Sunday April 17th.
ProRangers Giancarlo Graziani, Erin Langeheine, Ben Amoah, Lita Farquhar, and Amber Hagan all finished the race with improved times.
This dedicated group continues to improve and impress. Look for our best to turn out for the Valley Forge Revolutionary 5-Mile run on Sunday April 17th.