Today, 25 ProRangers attended the 6th annual Revolutionary Run at Valley Forge National Historical Park. They were joined by NE Regional Chief Ranger Steve Clark, NCR Regional Chief Ranger Will Reynolds, Dr. Luongo of Temple University SLETP, Dr. Lebron of the Temple Career Center, and Dr. McGarvey of Temple University College. Supervisors from the NER and NCR were on site to meet the ProRangers.

The hilly 5-mile course tested the metal of all the 1,600 runners. 20-30 mile winds lowered the real-feel temperature to 40 degrees at race time.
ProRanger Travis Gerhardt won 2nd place in his age-group with a time of 30:05. ProRanger Charles Papacostas won 3rd with a time just over 31:00. ProRanger Jay Copper won 3rd in his age group with a time just over 34:00. Our top female performer was ProRanger Erin Langeheine with a time just over 45:00.
All the ProRanger participants completed the race.
Steve Sweet and ProRanger Jim Scanlan turned-in personal best times for this challenging event.
After the awards ceremony concluded, the ProRangers and guests attended a meet and greet graciously hosted by the Valley Forge Chief Ranger, Gregg Tinkham and his impressive ranger staff. Ranger Waterman manned the grill to turn out some great burgers and dogs that were enjoyed by all. NE Regional Chief Ranger Steve Clark, NCR Regional Chief Ranger Will Reynolds, and Dr. Luongo all delivered informative and motivational speeches that were well received by the ProRangers and guests alike, and The ProRangers are grateful for their tireless support. My sincere thanks go out to all that made this event a huge success.