ProRanger Philadelphia was established in 2009 as an academic and technical skills training and internship program that was cooperatively administered by the National Park Service and Temple University. In July 2022, NPS began hiring permanent law enforcement rangers through the Law Enforcement Hiring Initiative (known informally as “direct to FLETC”). No additional students will be accepted into the program.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Two Weeks Left
That's why, right now, on the cusp of graduation I'm so anxious and to be finished and in awe of everything that's happened up until this point. I'm just a few short steps from the start of a really grand change in my life, and my future stretches out into the horizon and off breathtaking vistas, sites of triumph, and memorials of somber remembrance. It's really great to have a career right out of college; it's even better to have one with purpose.
Only two more weeks to go.
Week 10 Prince William Forest Park- Charles Papacostas

Most of this week Amber and I spent with park maintenance. On Tuesday, we shadowed Buildings and Utilities Foreman Scott Shea. We spent some time in the office where he explained the budget maintenance receives each year and how he has to divide it up between equipment, personnel, and projects. He stressed the importance of how he must carefully watch and track the money throughout the year so that he will not go over the budget. He further discussed PMIS or Project Management Information System, and how it is used when he initiates a large project in the park. Later we accompanied Rocky Schroeder on visits to a few projects. We drove over to Cabin Camp 3 and observed the renovation of one of the old bathrooms built by the Civilian Conservation Corps in the 1930’s. Some of the wood that was part of the frame of the structure was crumbling, but the building was not going to be knocked down. The sinks, toilet, and showers were the originals installed nearly 80 years ago and are going to remain there. It was great to see the work being put into fixing this structure while trying to maintain the look it had in the 1930’s when it was originally constructed. I enjoyed seeing the measures being taken to preserve this structure, as it contributes much to the park’s history and displays the hard work of the CCC.
On Wednesday, we spent the morning attending a meeting with park staff to discuss upcoming events and the paving project. In the afternoon we accompanied Rocky on an inspection of couple of the dams located in the park. We first drove over and checked the dam at Carter’s Pond. He took some pictures and determined that there were no immediate causes for concern. After leaving Carter’s Pond, we ventured over to the dam at Cabin Camp 3 where there we no problems either. Rocky explained that part of the lake that formed there was a swimming pool and had a concrete bottom, but it had now largely broken apart. He showed us an old pipe that connected to a nearby stream that many years ago supplied Cabin Camp 3 with water but had not been used in almost 30 years.
The Youth Expo at Anacostia Park in Washington DC was lots of fun. There were many high school aged kids there who were working at various parks in the National Capital Region and it was great to be able to represent the program with fellow prorangers Amber, Jay, Mark, Meaghan, Sarah, and Dan. After lunch, we all decided we would go roller skating, and I was a little excited and nervous since it was my first time skating. I had a great time though, and gradually found my balance out there, but not after falling several times. There were plenty of hilarious moments, and I definitely want to go skating again. It was great to spend time with the Regional Chief Will Reynolds as well, and he took plenty of awesome photos. I was definitely very happy that Amber and I were able to tag along with the YCC’s from our park and attend this event!!
Friday was a change of pace, and we did a ride-along with officers from District 1 of US Park Police that night from 6pm-2am. It was fascinating to see the difference from what they do when compared to rangers. One task that I was not aware of was that they are responsible for helping to close the Ellipse at certain times. The officer I rode along with had to hold a post out there for a few hours and had to redirect many tourists looking to take a picture of the White House. After that we got word that the Ellipse was open, we went back on patrol, largely in the northern part of the district. The officer made several traffic stops while up there for people running stop signs and one for a man who had a broken headlight. At around 1 am he stopped a car for driving through a yellow light, which in Washington, D.C. is illegal. After running the license with dispatch, it came back that it was suspended, so the officer called in for a cover officer and then searched the man for contraband and arrested him. We transported the prisoner back to the station, where he was searched again and told to remove the shoelaces from his sneakers. This was interesting to see because it really demonstrates the importance of officer safety and keeping a prisoner safe from him or herself. It reiterated the theme that anyone can hide anything anywhere, and it reminded me that being thorough is absolutely necessary in this line of work. Following this procedure, I observed the booking process. The officer took the man’s fingerprints on the AFIS machine, which I had heard of but never seen before. It was interesting because when an officer takes the fingerprints of a suspect, the prints go into a database which provides the officer information on any previous arrests of the suspect or active warrants. After watching the booking process it was time for me leave, but I enjoyed the time I was able to spend with the US Park Police, and gain an understanding of their agency.
BOST- Week 10
Our ninth week at Boston has been jam-packed with many law enforcement opportunities. We started our week by joining in the control tactics refresher. Our supervisor, Kris Salapek, is one of the instructors and we were able to join in with our Chief as well as another supervisor for the refresher. We began the training by warming up our arms and legs. We did so by grabbing around our partners neck with one hand while holding on to their arm with the other. We then pushed and pulled each other around the mat until we got our heart rates up. We then moved right in to the uses for the baton. Each of us had to lengthen the baton and strike a pad using the up-down motion as well as flat across the chest. We learned that it is very important when using any type of force to always be
Once we finished with the batons, we moved on to the OC simulation spray. We took turns being the officer and being the suspect approaching at a slow, quick, and then fast pace. This training was to help you practice acting under pressure as someone is running to get in your face. Even though we weren’t using real OC spray, it still stung and burned quite a bit! (I took some to the eyes). It does help to know what type of force you are using and how it may affect the person you are using it on.
Next we worked on some hands-on control tactics for when someone might charge at you and try to tackle you. We learned that the most important thing about going hands-on is not to try to “win” the fight. It is to keep some separation between you and the suspect, especially at the hips and feet. Once you are able to break free from each other, that is when you use the chance to reach for another tool whether it be your baton or firearm. These types of tactics are something that practice will only make better and more efficient; if you do not take the time to review these every so often you can definitely lose the skill.
During the refresher, we practiced with handcuffing. We practiced with the suspect standing, kneeling, and also laying on the ground. This not only gave us the chance to practice actually physically handcuffing someone, but also giving the commands to them on what to do. You have to be very specific and stern with your commands so they can follow them to the T as well as give them a sense that if they mess around, there will be repercussions. It was great to be able to practice with the handcuffs to get a better sense of the correct way to put them on, and also what it feels like to be handcuffed. We were also shown how to walk with a person who is handcuffed and where to hold them so they can’t go anywhere. Salapek also gave Jeff and me the chance to shoot two practice cartridges on the tasers. We did the same course of fire that is done when you complete your taser refresher (the one we witnessed our fellow ranger complete). It helped us understand the use of the taser that we learned from watching the powerpoint, and of course it was awesome to be able to shoot it in general. Everything we learned in the refresher was a very good introduction to the types of things we will be focusing on in the LE academy, and I must say it is definitely something to look forward to.
You must express to the person that they are under arrest. They must put their hands up, spin around, and then spread their feet to give them a wide, unstable stance.
Upon approaching the suspect, you grab their left hand in a reverse handshake, put that side on and then the the other side on. You then click the handcuff until it is tight enough around the wrists.
The following day we kept right along with some LE training and practiced doing building clearings. In the Navy Yard, there is a big, old warehouse that is no longer used for anything but storage so it works as a good place to practice in. Salapek first walked through the basic tactical skills of clearing a building; some important tips to remember are to never “laser” your partner with your gun while walking through (meaning never have your gun pointed towards them, even if you are making a sweeping motion past them). It is also very important to not get too far separated so that you can still see each other as well as keep an eye on what is to the left, the right, and the rear. Communication is also key. If there is a room that needs to be cleared, you must say so to your partner so they don’t keep moving on. If you see any sudden movements or something suspicious, you should say so with the direction of the action. Building clearing is supposed to be a quick, flowing operation that is smooth and efficient to get the job done correctly. This too should be practiced frequently, especially whenever you are working with someone new so you can learn how each other moves and communicates. The two days we had with these LE training techniques were so great. We really appreciated the opportunity to learn the basics of some of the most important dealings within a law enforcement position.
It would not be a summer in BOST if we did not make a trip to the top of the Bunker Hill Monument! One morning while we were on patrol with our supervisor, we took a stroll to the top. 294 steps later, we made it to the top and were rewarded with the view overlooking Charlestown and parts of the Boston Harbor. Along with the USS Constitution, the Bunker Hill Monument could be seen as one of the more iconic parts of Boston NHP. Many people from all over come to admire it and make the trek to the top.
The view of the Charlestown Navy Yard from the top of the Bunker Hill Monument.
Later on in the week we had a special visit from North East Chief Ranger, Steve Clark and Branch Chief of Law Enforcement and Emergency Services, Kim Coast. Their visit with Jeff and I was brief, but they were in Boston to gain a better understanding of how the park runs, specifically on the law enforcement side, and also to meet a few chief rangers from some of the other National Parks close by. It was great to see them in action and to see two individuals that are so passionate about their positions within the National Park Service; talk about motivating!
We ended our great week with a trip to Cape Cod National Seashore to do a ride-along with a few of their rangers. Upon arrival, we were showed around by Ranger Eric Trudeau. Once we became a little more familiar with our surroundings we let some air out of the tires and headed for the oversand trail. At Cape Cod they have several trails for people to drive on the beach, with a permit of course. They told us that they will have to keep an eye on people possibly drinking a little too much and then trying to drive. They also use the oversand trails to check and make sure fishers are going by the regulations of size and amount with Striper and Blue fish. Cape Cod rangers also do a lot of traffic stops; there are several roads that fall within their jurisdiction. We were able to witness a few be conducted for speeding. The rangers also get opportunities to do some plain clothes operations in which they walk to beaches and are vigilant for any illegal behavior. Cape Cod is a beautiful place to work with many possibilities for law enforcement action. Jeff and I would highly recommend all of you to take the time to visit if you ever get the chance!
A view of the Race Point Light from one of the oversand trails along the shore.
This past week has been nothing but motivational and educational. Jeff and I are really enjoying our time here and are very sad when we think we only have two weeks left! We hope that everyone is taking the time to do everything they want to in these last weeks and continue to be sponges soaking up every last bit of knowledge from the great people we have been working with!
ProRangers Jeff Parente and Erin Langeheine
C&O Canal
The following day Cunnigham and Clawson took Tia and I to Four Locks, a shooting range. The whole day was dedicated to learning the in's and out's of a handgun. We were took the 228 apart several times, learned the basic safety information about the 228, learned about the proper bullets, and of course, how to shoot a gun. This had been my first time shooting a gun so it was quite the experience. We shot about four to five magazines from the five yard line. In the end, it was determined that Tia is a better shot than I am, but I don't mind because I have plenty of time to improve.
Friday and Saturday were dedicated to patrolling different trails located around the Great Falls area, mainly Billy Goat A. It was our job due dissuade visitors from taking a dip in the Potomac or from jumping off a cliff into the Potomac. Even though there are many signs up warning about the dangers of the Potomac, we continue to have many visitors venturing into the cool water. I also patrolled the trail for other dangers or hazards, but found nothing. I did, however, speak with many visitors and was able to answer many questions.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
week 11 Shenandoah
Amber Hagan-Week 10 Prince William Forest Park

Another crazy week at Prince William forest Park has ended and only 2 remain. I’m especially excited to write about what we did this week, and for numerous reasons. We were with maintenance most of the week and the United States Park Police the last day.
The week began on Tuesday with maintenance at 6:30am. We shadowed Scott Shea throughout the morning and learned a lot about the special projects taking place in the park such as restoring historic buildings, replacing roofs, and taking on termites. The most difficult part about all of these operations is that they must follow a special code that maintains their historic demeanor, because they are historic buildings. Everything done to the exterior of the building is very specific and cannot be altered in appearance. The interior of the buildings have slightly more leniency. Scott also showed us how the financial accounts work. Maintenance has a base account and a projects account. The projects accounts are separate, because they ask for funding for them in an entirely different program. I think the acronym for that program is PIMS, but it has slipped my mind. In the program, they upload before and after pictures that are public for people to come in and look at; a really neat feature for people to see the progress of the national park service in regards to up keeping historic structures. Scott and Veena taught us a lot in the few short hours we spent with them. I enjoyed my time listening to their talks.
We had lunch and spent the remainder of the day with Rocco Shroeder. Rocky has become one of the individuals I admire the most in the National Park Service. Rocky taught our wild land firefighting class and he stands out as a person with wonderful character to me. I trust him 100% to be my crew boss when I am dispatched to a wild land fire. Rocky took us to the sites in the park that are being restored and took photos to document the progress. We stopped by the administration building first to document the morning finding of termites in the walls. The damage to the structure is severe and this will be funded through the parks base account. The next site we went to was a cabin camp bathroom. Finally we ended the day with the sponge blasting/graffiti project at cabin camp 4. The graffiti is all over the walls and influences others to participate, so it is being removed. The most fascinating part about this is the method they are using to do this. They have a machine, and this is no ordinary machine. It uses sponge and shoots it out at the wall and this removes the very thin top layer of the wood. The most alluring part of this machine is that you scoop the sponge fragments back up after you use it, and reuse it up to 7 times. It’s a recycling sponge machine! We left this site and went home for the day.
Wednesday we spent with Rocky inspecting the Dams in the park. Most of the morning was spent at the staff meeting to discuss events taking place in the park and where we’re at with them. We ended right around lunch time and inspected the Dams following. We began at Carters Pond, an Earthen Dam right off scenic drive. Carters Pond was only just recently re-opened to the public for catch and release fishing. We inspected the dam for leaks, tall unmaintained grasses, tree roots posing a potential threat, and looked at the spill way. We noted our findings and went to another dam. The next dam was a man-made dam, but also a historic structure. The dam could use a lot of maintenance around and on the structure including a safety rail extending out to the center. The final dam we inspected that day was another earthen dam. We walked around the entire site and Rocky pointed out what used to be a swimming pool a long, long time ago for groups that came to the park to camp. Currently, it’s an extension of the lake and no longer a pool. There are, however, wooden benches and other remnants of a once highly used swimming area.
Thursday we ended up last minute going to the end of the summer youth exposition at Anacostia Park. Through conversations with Regional Chief Will Reynolds, we decided to go to the event and we definitely do not regret this decision. We traveled with members of the YCC and maintenance crew and I enjoyed the conversations we were able to have with them. The event began with a few talks from very important people. Representatives from youth groups got on stage and said a few words, including ProRangers Mark Clark and Jay Copper. After this we walked around to see what all of the youth groups had been doing throughout their summer. There were videos, poster boards, and cheers. We had lunch and then the noticed people lining up to a window. Turns out they were renting roller skates. Therefore, Sara, Meaghan, Jay, Mark, Charles, and I all put skates on and Dan and Will Reynolds photographed the event. I personally find these to be one of the most exciting events we have participated in this summer. Who knew we would go to this event and roller skate? I don’t know how to roller skate…neither do Mark and Charles. This alone made for a comical event!
We were later interviewed as a group regarding the ProRanger program. We all had a lot to say and hope to get the message out there to youth groups and the nation that this program is shaping the face of the National Park Service. We have a huge burden to carry and we do it with pride, professionalism, and integrity. The event ended and we went home.
Our final day this week will be forever recorded in my mind. We had a ride along scheduled with The United States Park Police, thanks to Scott Fear, Cindy Sirk-Fear, and David Ballam. I rode with an officer in district one and we had a great time. We patrolled the area near the Jefferson Memorial, The Lincoln Memorial, the White House, Haines point, and the FDR memorial. We were given Kevlar vests to wear throughout the evening, which I really enjoyed. We did everything from running radar, to stopping cars for traffic violations (other than speed), to enforcing parking and no stopping rules, to helping tourists find their way around the city. There were still people walking around the sites at 1am, and I’m talking about families. I had no idea Washington D.C. was busy so constantly.
The best part of my night, by far, was performing security at the zero. The ellipse on the South side of the white house is a popular location for tourists to take photographs. However, any time the President or his family step outside onto a balcony, the secret service and the park police shut it down. I’m sure you can see where I’m going with this. We participated with shutting this down, because we were with the park police. From our location we were able to view the balcony, where President Obama was standing. Therefore, I am ecstatic to say that I not only saw the President, but I assisted in providing a security barrier for him. During the moment I was viewing President Obama, I also observed several dark figures walking across the roof of the white house, they were snipers. I have never felt such a surreal feeling in my life. It literally felt like something out of a movie and I was in awe at what was taking place. We stayed here for nearly 2 hours and then returned to our patrolling.
We stopped a vehicle at 12:15 for not using headlights and it turned out to be a 19 year old who had been drinking. He blew a pretty low number in the breathalyzer, but regardless, he was 19. The kid was given the break of his life and his mother came and picked him up. I feel that he was given a serious wake- up call as he immediately hugged his mother as she approached.
We left this call and went to Haines point to close it for the evening. It closes at 1am and reopens at 5am. We drove through with another unit and shuffled vehicles out of the area. We approached a vehicle and found a man sleeping inside of it. We asked him if he had been drinking and he said no. He drove away and we followed as it was the only exit. The man drove in the center of the two lanes and was swerving a lot in and out between the two of them. We stopped him. 2 other units arrived and assisted. The man was slightly irritated claiming he did not drink or do any drugs. They gave him a field sobriety test and he passed. He did not smell of alcohol at all. The officers inspected his hands and arms and found no indication of intravenous drug use. The man was no fully awake when he first drove away, and the stop certainly woke him up. His driving was dramatically improved the second time around. The ride along ended and I went home.
This week I learned a lot about the amount of pressure the maintenance staff has on them. They have a back log of tasks that is always increasing. Maintenance is a fundamental part of the Park Service team. I learn each week how much each division depends on one another and I saw the final piece of that this week as maintenance was our last division to work with. We will be with them again next week, too. The park police ride along was everything I had hoped for and more. They have a reputation in D.C. for being very serious when it comes to the law. I fully agree and I hope to ride with them again!
Friday, July 29, 2011
FOMC- Law Enforcement/ Youth EXPO
Thursday, July 28, 2011
C & O Canal Shooting Range
SLETP - The End is Near

It has already been another awesome week here at INDE! The time seems to be flying by! Tuesday Dan and I were in charge of the Lost & Found for the whole park! We went around to each building and took all the items out that visitors left behind. We went into dispatch with boxes of items! We had everything from hats and sunglasses to sweaters and lunch pales. We then wrote down all of the items and put them back into the box. This helps the dispatchers because they will make a spreadsheet of all the lost items and send all the stuff to the MEB. In the MEB one of the administrators takes care of all the lost items. After a certain amount

We also watched the LE Rangers handcuff a man that was intoxicated and causing a ruckus at the park. We saw how the rangers handled the situations and the steps they took to get the man under control. Even though we do not want any harm to the park it was awesome to watch!
Then we traveled to Washington DC for the NCR 2011 Youth Expo! We drove the Pontiac G6! While there Mark and Jay went on stage to talk about the ProRanger Philadelphia Program! We were able to see what the youth programs were doing in

Week 8 at Colonial Maintenance
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Myself with the jackhammer |
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Me with the Ground Tapper |
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Another Picture with the Ground Tapper |
Week 10
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Visitors at the Beach Concert |

FOMC- Administration & Law Enforcement
I was oriented in the Administration division and what their job description in the National Park Service, and particularly FOMC, bestows upon them. In administration, I started off my day by creating a proposal for the associated cost of personnel hours for the upcoming fiscal year. I was taught how the system works then took on the task of creating this for each employee in each division. I did this for law enforcement, maintenance and interpretation.
Next, I scanned the old and current Standard Operation Procedures (SOPs) so they will be readily available for the other employees to access. Fort Mchenry has an entire room dedicated solely to filing. I went into the Central Files room and learned how to use the NPS filing codes to file papers into the central filing system.
Saturday, I worked with law enforcement and we went over one of the ranger's case incident reports for an encroachment issue at HAMP. We edited his report to have the right information and data on the narrative sheet. It was important that his report be factual, concise, and to the point.
The park was pretty empty due to the extreme heat so we took the spare time to catch up on some small work and to wash the patrol vehicles. Even the patrol vehicles need to be shown some love!Week 7 Fee/Dispatch

The two weeks before I packed up and went to leadership were split between resource management and law enforcement (with a tad bit of interpretation). My first day with resource management was spent with the division supervisor going around meeting everyone and getting a general overview of what everyone does. the following day with resource management was spent with the museum and artifacts preservation branch. While here I worked on scanning and cataloging new documents that the park received. Most (if not all) of these documents were VERY old, some were even pre civil war. It is because these documents are so old and fragile that we scan them, allowing the originals to be kept in safe storage and out of harms way. In addition to scanning documents I also worked on upgrading the system that was in place for cataloging all of the park maps. Gettysburg is a nice sized park with over 1300 monuments and historic structures so we were working with quite a few maps. One of the more exiting things I got to do while here was assist in changing out some of the artifacts on display in the museum. The artifacts on display are all original and therefore need to be kept in excellent condition which is why these periodic changes and swaps are done.
The next couple of days were spent with the spraying crew. We went out into the wooded areas and sprayed chemicals that targeted certain types of weeds but for the most part our day was spent targeting the infamous mile-a-minute species. This was quite the experience and I even saved a couple turtles from certain death while out there. To finish off the week I saw how all of the park maps were created. This is an important task and I was surprised to see that it was all done by one man. He walk me through the map making process while we were in the office and later on in the day we went out and mapped the coordinates of the of the park boundaries. since this had not been done in a while (at least for the area we were in) it was an adventure trying to even find the boundary markers through the thick undergrowth.