Saturday, July 16, 2011

Week 7 My Return to Colonial Nat'l Historical Park

It seems like last week flew by so fast while attending leadership camp with the rest of my Prorangers. I miss all of you dearly, and am glad of the time we all shared together. My returning week to Colonial consisted of my long awaited week of maintenance. I love to work with my hands to do various projects of labor, and boy did I get what I was longing for. My first day with them I had the chance to do trash duty. I rode on the trash truck and then picked up trash throughout the park. Two very notable experiences were that I was able to paint, and also take park in tree duty and ditch digging. It’s been years since I did any type of labor work with my hands, and it was great doing that this week. The workers at the maintenance division thrilled me as well. Their positive attitude and constant display of hard-work in sometimes grueling temperatures of heat amazed me. They are the members who up keep the visual beauty of our parks. I look forward to my upcoming week with them as well. The endless possibilities just keep presenting themselves here at Colonial, and I'm having the time of my life taking part in them.

Me painting the curb in the Maintenance Yard

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