Tuesday, March 17, 2020

From Diamond Gem to ProRanger

Hello fellow park lovers! My name is Hannah Moore, and I am a member of Cohort 7 in Temple University’s ProRanger Program. Over the summer I will be posting about the experiences I have during my internship at Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area in California. For now, let me tell you a bit about myself. 

When I am not in class or learning cool new things through the ProRanger Program, I am either at the gym or at dance team practice. For all four of my years at Temple I have been a member of the Diamond Gems dance team. We perform at Temple football, volleyball, and basketball games, while also participating in many different events on and around campus. In addition, we compete in Orlando, Florida every January for college nationals. My time on dance team has taught me a lot about time management and responsibility. Being on dance team has also introduced me to my passion for fitness, health, and wellness. Ever since this discovery, I have obtained my personal training certification and have participated in two different strength and conditioning internships through Temple’s Athletics Department. Through these experiences, I have learned more about my own personal health and wellness, while also growing my interest in ways to help others with their health and wellness. I have even written personalized programs and trained some other members of Cohort 7.

I am currently a second semester senior biology major at Temple. My choice in major stemmed from my interest in conservation and the environment. During my time at Temple, I completed a two-semester long internship studying the effects of White Nose Syndrome on North American bat populations. Although these concepts were very interesting to me, I found the work to be very tedious and boring. Most of my time was spent sitting in front of a computer screen looking at data for 8 hours a day. This is when I figured out I needed to find a career that involved moving around, but I still wanted to work in a field that involved the environment. That is when I came across the ProRanger Program. Through different activities and trainings in the program, I have discovered a new interest in law enforcement, which is something I never would have thought I would have such a high interest. This program has helped me discover a career path that involves my interests in the environment, health, and wellness, while also having a career that allows me to be on my feet and moving around.

I feel very lucky that I found the ProRanger Program and am very excited to see what the future holds! Make sure to follow along in my adventure. :)

Until next time,

ProRanger Moore

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