Week 7 –Interpretation (first week) Rockside
Lock Demonstrations
@North H.S
The next day, Monday I shadowed Park Ranger Phil also known to his students as Dr. Phil this day me, him and camp counselor Adrian went to North high school, in Akron to helped a group of teenagers identify Lid tools that could better their school. We talked about lid tools already there and water runoff. This day was very informative for me because I have no educational background on tools like rain gardens or rain barrels which can be used to help benefit our environments when it rains. We gathered data with the teenagers and met them back at Cuyahoga Valley in the Environmental Education Center. At the EEC we at lunch and then played team building games. Tuesday was my day off but I came into work for a few hours to assist with the Hike and bike program offered to the same group of teenagers.
Hike or Bike Program
Thursday I worked with Park Ranger Brandy and his two interns and a few volunteers. This group of people work on a program Called Get Up, Get out and GO! This program is unique because it allows local urban kids to get out of Akron and Cleveland and experience natural and cultural resources of the National park with having fun. On this particular day we ran a program called fun day and let the kids come and do activities they wanted to do in a Grassy open field. It was hot so we supplied a lot of water and snacks to accompany the plethora of footballs, soccer balls, hoopla hoops, and Frisbees. The kids that came out really enjoyed themselves and in the process made me work up a sweat. After 2 hours of fun we all cleaned up and got on buses to take the kids back into the areas they lived in. Friday I was back with Park Ranger Phil and we designed and help the kids present the data we learned earlier in the week to the staff and their parents.
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