Saturday, June 25, 2016

Fences, Floors, and a Familiar Face

Fence line at Antietam National Battlefield

               Virginia Snake Line, Worm-rail, or Zigzag fencing…I’m not sure what to call it anymore. However you might name it, I spent most of the week string-trimming it. It was definitely work, but very rewarding to see the direct contribution to the battlefield’s appearance.  My coworkers in the maintenance staff were an enjoyable bunch. They managed to bring me up to speed with some hysterical in-house jokes in a few short days. When I wasn’t working with the trimming crew, I was shadowing the battlefield’s custodian. We were back and forth between the Visitor’s Center and whatever assignment we had planned for the day. Some of those tasks were maintaining the Education Center at Mumma Farmhouse, cleaning the battlefield’s gym, and stocking cleaning supplies. Once again, it was nice to know that I played a role in the aesthetics and maintenance of Antietam.
               On Tuesday, Tony came to visit Antietam National Battlefield. The previous day he visited with Nick at Gettysburg National Military Park. So in the short span of 48 hours, he was zapped with quite a few of the electric facts of the American Civil War. I enjoyed that I was able to ask him about some comparisons and differences between the two Civil War Battlefields, and also that he was up for hiking the Battlefield’s Union Advance Trail on a particularly humid day. The meeting was not all fun in games though, we had to collect the logistics needed for the ProRanger Program. For that, we needed to stick somewhat to the visit’s itinerary. Most of the needed data was accumulated during a meeting between Tony & I, my immediate Supervisor, ANTI’s Chief Ranger, and ANTI’s Superintendent. I was ecstatic throughout the visit to share all the knowledge I’d acquired over the past few weeks with someone I knew from outside of the experience. All in all, the visit was a great way to spend a day of my first internship.   
Tony and I on the battlefield

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