Friday, August 12, 2011

Sandy Hook- Week 12

As the summer begins to wind down, Ryan and I attempt to continue to find ways so that we do not have to leave Sandy Hook. Coming out here in the beginning of the summer, we were nervous about whether or not we would be a benefit to Gateway National Recreation Area and as it turns out we have been. We have assisted in many different activities such as, working traffic every Wednesday during our Beach Concerts, attending safety meetings and participating in summer events.
During our last week, we have worked our last Beach Concert and continue to rove around the park during the day when working traffic. On Wednesday, we also attended court in the morning. That was very interesting to see how the cases are carried out. I went into court thinking it would be somewhat like what we have all seen on television; however, it was nothing like that. They were productive during each case, especially when it was time to make a verdict. After court we a little quality time with one of our supervisors, just talking and making jokes since it will be out last week here. Then once we arrived back to the park we prepared ourselves for the concert that night.
We have gotten so used to our routine here that it will an adjustment once we return back to school. We will miss our supervisors and even the visitors that come into the park. It has been very excited, fun, entertaining and more importantly a great learning experience for us. I have learned so many different skills that I can use not only in Law Enforcement but in my everyday life. Hearing all the different stories about past seasons and other parks all over the United States, I am more grateful to be a part of this program and have this experience. We are looking forward to seeing everyone again on the 29th and hearing how everyone’s summer has gone.

~Fallon & Ryan

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